Many people have goals and dreams but there are few people that have dreams and not goals. How do you expect to make those dreams come true if you don't have goals? Goals are the back bone to all of you're dreams.
- Dream:
- To think or conceive of something in a very remote way. Most desirable; ideal.
- Goal:
- The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
I think the reason why most people don't achieve their dreams is they don't have the goals. Without the goals you have nothing to work towards that dream. Dreams and goals can go hand in hand. If you have a big dream that you are determined to see come true then set up goals for yourself along the way. Goals are based on variables that you do control. Like saying you will practice jump work for a day out of the week. If you have a specific plan as to how you will achieve that idea then it's now a goals.
Dreams are where you want to end up and goals are how you want to get there. Dreams are the prize we get at the end of the journey. Goals are the steps we take to get that prize. During you're journey there are going to be road blocks on the way and you will have to remember the reason of your journey and why you have held on so long.
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really Great make you feel that you too can become Great."
Write them down. Catch them. Look at them. Post your goal where you can see it. Put it on your bulletin board. Tack it beside your computer monitor. Tape it to your bathroom mirror. Seeing these goals every day will help remind you what you need to do for that goal to become a reality.
Dreams are wonderful things. Goals are what gets us there. Make your dreams your goals and get what you want in your life.
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